Saturday, November 08, 2008

Hard to Let Go

I am finding it very hard to let go of the 2008 Xterra season. I put everything into it and didn't end on a high note. I want a mulligan, a re-do, another shot...but, I have to wait for an entire year. Apart from the feeling, the mental side of things, it is hard to let off the pedal on my fitness.

I have to give my mind a break from both the intensity and focus needed to be successful and from on-calendar weeks training in 2008.

The triathlon press is definitely NOT short of articles and recommendations on what to during the off-season. One recommendation is to spend time on other interests....well....I think my "other interests" don't stray to far from swimming, biking and running. No....I'm not shallow, am I? Another thing about me is that I love routine and needless to say my routine is jacked.

I need to be shaken.

Understanding all of these recovery-related off season things, I have been doing what I can to unplug.

I been swim/bike/running barely and kicked off a strength/core/flexibility program modeled by the Core Performance folks. This program will evolve a bit of the upcoming weeks, but it's a good start.